School of Connected Consciousness

By taking the time to slow down and breathe, you open up to a new reality.
Becoming aware of self, other, and the world around you. Coming into consciousness with how you feel, who you are, your environment, and understanding of the part you play in the world.

Take time to learn about yourself. Who are you? Does it align with who you'd like to become?

 Start on a journey in the present that can allow for reflection of past for a future of healing, growth, and confidence.

Gain an understanding of the Divine, Higher Consciousness, and Energetic Fields.

Learn about the chakras and energetic fields of self, nature, earth, and the universe.

Understand your mission in the world and becoming an Earth Advocate. 

The importance of caring for the earth, soil, and the plants, animals, water that are all a part of one connected system.

What is Connected Consciousness?

Conscious – The state or fact of being aware of and responding to one’s surroundings; awake.
Connection – a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.
Connected Consciousness is being aware or "awake" on a community (collective), and/or universal level. Also known to be related or concerned with wellness of all within it.  

What You'll Learn

Mindfulness, awareness practices, living naturally (holistic), yoga, meditation, , and information related to caring for Gaia (Mother Earth), nature, and wildlife. 

Courses and Workshops

Online classes and workshops allow you to learn on your time. Have questions? Connect with me, Carmita, and the community.

Virtual and Live Events

Programs on wellness, yoga, awareness, burnout prevention, connecting with nature, and how to become an earth advocate. 
Start on your wellness journey today

Open Education

Holistic Education is a place dedicated to exploring new ways of teaching and learning, through an Open Education model.

Independent Learning

Students practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and then accelerating their learning.

Make A Change

We want to make a difference with our courses and we go about this by working with the students, listening to their needs and wants, and working with them to create a better experience for all. 
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coming soon
Write your awesome label here.
Carmita smiles

.Yoga Instructor. .Awareness Coach. 
.Earth Advocate.

500HR Yoga Instructor
Registered with the Yoga Alliance
Awareness and Self-Care Coach
Advocate of Animals, Mother Nature, and Wildlife
our courses

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